About Us
Embrace Change
Our Vision

Our Mission
About Us
Founded in 2019, Alingon Kollan Sangstha is a non-profit, non political organization based in Bangladesh dedicated to advancing social justice and equality. Focused on a multifaceted approach, Alingon strives to address pressing issues in Bangladesh including gender equality, climate change mitigation, promotion of peace, and advocacy for sexual and reproductive rights.
At the heart of Alingon’s mission is the empowerment of marginalized communities, particularly women, children, and the trans-intersex community. Through grassroots initiatives, education, and advocacy, Alingon endeavors to create a more inclusive society where all individuals have equal access to opportunities and rights.
With a commitment to sustainable development, Alingon actively engages in environmental conservation efforts, recognizing the interconnectedness between gender equality and climate justice. By fostering collaboration and raising awareness, Alingon aims to catalyze positive change at both local and national levels.
Through its tireless efforts and unwavering dedication, Alingon continues to be a beacon of hope for those striving for a more equitable and just society in Bangladesh and beyond.